Our Story.
Our History.
Nottingham Mencap is a self-funded, Nottinghamshire charity affiliated to Royal Mencap with its own constitution, accounts, and services. We were founded in 1950 by a small group of parents who united to establish the right for their disabled children to live independent lives and have the same opportunities as everyone else.
Our Future.
We believe those living with learning Disabilities and Autism should have the same opportunities as others to live satisfying and valued lives and be treated with dignity and respect. They should have a home within their community, be able to develop and maintain relationships and develop the skills needed to live healthy, safe and fulfilling lives.
Through working in partnership and adopting person-centred approaches we deliver independence and control for people. We ensure the person’s wishes and aspirations for their own life are at the centre of their care and support, tailored to their particular needs, strengths, and interests
Our Vision.
People living with learning disabilities or autism should have:
‘Choice and independence, freedom to live, learn and grow’
Our Mission.
We achieve our vision by:
Being a visible, well regarded charity with highly motivated and trained staff providing high quality services.
Adopting a person-centred approach, listening to people’s needs and treating everyone with dignity and respect.
Equipping our members with the practical and social skills to live as independently as possible.
Being a source of information, support and help for individuals, families and carers.
Raising awareness within our communities to promote equality and understanding.
Our values are at the centre of everything we do. They guide the way we behave, from how we support each other to how we interact with our stakeholders. They apply to all of us and set the standard to ensure we consistently deliver the best quality service possible.
I always do what I have promised to do
I put our clients first
I am a positive role model for the organisation
I understand and care about our clients
Trust and Respect
I am honest and you can trust me.
I listen to the views of others.
I take responsibility for my actions.
I value diversity and respect differences.
Team Work
I help others
I share information and ideas with those I work with
I give and expect to receive feedback
I celebrate my achievements and those of others
I am aware of how I impact others
I am polite and professional
I listen to and value other viewpoints
I use simple and clear language
Embrace Change
I suggest new ways of working
I take responsibility for understanding reasons for change
I approach change with an open mind
I look for opportunities to develop my skills and knowledge